We honour and welcome their help, opinions with the support they provide us. Not forgetting, all past and present Trustees, committee members.

Key individuals as supporters do stay close to our heart for providing incentive to continue and do charitable work. As we are trying to update past records wise these are only few of the people named here among others may have not been mentioned here, who also worked hard for Bhadran.

Names who made and make notable changes for the community

Vasdev Kaka & family

Udaybhai Bhadran Panchayat

Avanishbhai Raojibhai

Rajubhai Raojibhai

Prakeshbhai Raojibhai

Mukeshbhai Kanubhai & Family

Maheshbhai Kanubhai & Family

Moffat, Piyush, Priyesh Patel’s Father.

R M Kaka


Raguvir kaka

Ramankaka Dhanjibhai

Hansrajkaka Dhanjibhai

Nareshbhai Manubhai x committee member

Satishbhai Leicester

Kaminiben and Maheshbhai




Sureash Bhai


Including past and present all Chha Gaam EC Members

We continue to honour all the support and contributions past and present with the ongoing support of

Rambhai Jethabhai: A contributor to the hospital wards. Lifetime contributions towards Bhadran.

Rasikbhai Manibhai: Also contributed to the hospital wards. Lifetime contributions towards noble causes.

CB Patel: Another major contributor, and founder. Past and present Continued Support Donations, Guidance, Lifetime contributions

Jayraj bhai Bhadran Wala Past and present support and Lifetime contributions

Mahendrabhai Manibhai (Leicester): Lifetime contributions

VM Patel: Supportor and Donations

Rajendrabhai (Sanuben): Associated with the cause for Bhadran.

Raghuvirbhai: Involved in the initiative advice and support.

Ambalalbhai (AC): and members Jyotiben and Nilaben. Lifetime contributions

Maheshbhai Natubhai:

Pravinaben and Narendrabhai: Lifetime contributions

Maheshbhai (Sulochanaben): Lifetime contributions

Ramanbhai Dhanjibhai: Part of the collective effort.

Kanubhai Bhikhabhai (Kamlesh, Bintaben): Lifetime contributions




Finally, all current trustees, members including ongoing efforts of committee members.

Supporters of Bhadran Gam & Bhadran Bandhu Samaj Charitable activities: Please let us know if we have missed important names here. and note we do not mean disrespect to any individuals or organisations here however small or larger support and donations are missing here due to past changes or missing records.

List of Honours

We honour our Bhadran Vasi UK members, invited guests at various events, supporting local and overseas visitors, organisations, and affiliates. Since its conception to current state, from founding families first arrivals to United Kingdom, early supporters, members. There are key families and individuals always support encourage and have helped financially, morally and by personal contributions of time and efforts.