Note: For any Updates. Kindly do bring to our attention through our current team members with as much details as possible, dates, names, own achievements, service & contributions especially towards Bhadran and our community and little history so that we can update our records whenever possible. If any unintentionally or due to errors or missing record, if anyone is not mentioned here, do accept our sincere apology.

UK Bhadran Bandhu Samaj (BBS UK) committee members/ volunteers:

Note: Kindly do bring to our attention through our current team members with as much details dates names and little history so that we can update our records whenever possible. If any unintentionally or due to errors or missing record, if anyone is not been mentioned here, do accept our sincere apology.

Bimalbhai R Patel

has worked tirelessly for BBS as our President. starting from print and produce our previous directory (2005) and his effort with Kirtibhai Patel paid off in bringing us our most successful directory at the time to date. He is now representing the BBS as President since 2018-2019. Sharing views and engaging to wider community. The youth and is the President, official Youth Coordinator, and other leading activities functional work as and when required that of the committee.

Kimaya Patel

Youngets Member of our team

Jayrajbhai M Bhadranwala

has been our president since 2000, he provides us with strong leadership and is always supporting helping BBS UK. To go that one step further and achieve more. Many milestones have been reached during his term as president mainly from registration as charity followed by our Silver Jubilee Celebrations in 2007. Jayrajbhai leads and represents several organisations,as well aS social community at large, at the same time, HE manages to runs his own successful motor garage company in Wembley.Mrs.Snehlataben Patel

Alway ready to help guide, unite, & contribute her valuable time. Her efforts with vast experinace. Having dedication for our charitable projects, Bhadran gam and BBS apriciates Snehlataben’s termendous enthusiatic support to our team.

Nirupa Patel

Having strong management skills, always ready to lead, coordinate at all levels. Since joining BBS, Mrs Nirupaben Patel remains as a central action station officer in which ever rolls needed. That is including as past president. Organising committee members & committed for best results at best speed possible. Always actively supported by our Brother Narendra Bhai for BBS and within community at large. With commitment and tremendous work ethics both jointly standing for BBS within affiliated organisations. All at the same time, whilst managing family, Dental group and Dental practices within London and surrounding counties.ember]

updating soon.

Thank you to our foundering leaders Past Presidents and members.

Bhadran Bandhu Samaj UK. continues to follow their footsteps and guidance till now only due to their efforts vision for community work, continued encouragement and help from previous years.

Note: Kindly do bring to our attention through our current team members with as much details dates names and little history so that we can update our records whenever possible. If any unintentionally or due to errors or missing record, if anyone is not been mentioned here, do accept our sincere apology.